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The programme will focus on developing routes to market for selected Blue Economy Early Stage Technologies (EST), carried out by teams of researchers with the support of experienced technology transfer mentors and advisors. 


At the end of the programme, each EST and associated route to market outcome will be represented at a event in Canary Islands to an international audience of Blue Economy industry, public bodies, private investors and peers. 


Anyone can submit a technology for consideration, regardless of whether they also apply to the separate Call for Researchers. EST owners will be invited to participate in the programme as mentors to the research team that is working with their EST, but this is not obligatory. 


Intellectual Property (IP): Confidentiality will be assured during the programme. The teams of researchers and experts will sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) for any EST that is not yet protected through IP rights. Researchers will also receive training in what information can and cannot be disclosed relating to non-IP protected ESTs. The route to commercialisation developed by each team will include a strategy for IP protection that can be used by the EST-owner. For any specific queries, please use the contact details below. 


Costs: There are no fees for submitting your EST and being selected for the programme. If you are required to travel to national and/or international programme events, your costs will be covered by EMPORIA4KT.


Time commitment: If you are mentoring the team developing your EST, occasional meetings will be required (approximately one meeting per month).  


Required qualifications, skills and mandatory criteria:​

  • Technology developed at a Higher Education Institution or Research Organisation;

  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1 to 4;

  • Technology included in the fields or with possible applications for the fields identified below (with no special order or priority of interest):

    • o Maritime and Coastal Tourism
      o Renewable Marine Energy and Offshore Wind Technology

    • o Extractive industry
      o Environmental and Coastal Protection


How to apply?

To apply please complete the application form here.


Applications open: Now!


Deadline for applications: 31 August 2022


Contact details:

Sofia Esteves


Poster information



Project code: EAPA_842/2018.
Project funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund.


This site reflects only the views of the project partners, the Atlantic Area programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

Get in touch

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Lead Partner:

NOVA School of Science and Technology

Campus da Caparica, 2825-516

Caparica, Portugal 

©2023 by EMPORIA4KT

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