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Here you find some files to help you identifying fund raising structures and understand the process of raising funds.

All data here are public and available on internet.
We just gather them to save your time.

Documents worth reading when looking for funds and understanding the various specificities

By the way, we want to share a valulable EU Project you may love : FANBEST

Interested in Blue Economy in AA : take a tour on their web site

Last but not least !!

Please join us on linked in !
This group is here to share about blue economy, including but not limited to funds raising...

Hope you will come in soon !



Project code: EAPA_842/2018.
Project funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund.


This site reflects only the views of the project partners, the Atlantic Area programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

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Lead Partner:

NOVA School of Science and Technology

Campus da Caparica, 2825-516

Caparica, Portugal 

©2023 by EMPORIA4KT

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